Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I am.

I am a farmer's daughter, a former Marine's wife and a loyal sister. I am a nanny, a calf wrangler, and a lazy housekeeper . I am a sensitive heart, a lover of Jesus, and a hard worker battling with laziness.

I am a late twenty something, a musical fan, and a hater of schedules. I am a avid blog reader, a great cook wannabe, and a on/off exerciser. I am a hint of wanderlust, a reckless adventurer and a "home is where the heart is".

I am a "Let's just do it!" and a "Wait! Wait! Are you sure?!", a fan of groups in 2 or maybe three other people, and a avoider of politics. I am a crier (cryer?), and a laughter and sometimes all at the same time. I am a firecracker, quick to explode and just as quick to fizzle out.  I am a forgiver, a lover and a hugger.

I am "deaf as a doorknob and as awesome as superman", fly by the seat of my pants and a beloved daughter of God. I am a believer of 2nd chances, a "my bark is louder than my bite", and a good listener.

I am me, Laura Joy and this is the start of the Milk Maid Chronicles...

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